Examining the link between one’s Consideration of Future Consequences and Potential Ethical Threshold

  • Tina Lynn Robbins Clemson University, Clemson SC, USA


The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC), a construct first introduced by Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger & Edwards (1994) and Potential Ethical Threshold (PET), a concept which was designed to reflect an individual’s ethical behavior in the face of situational pressures (Comer & Vega, 2008).   Although there has been a resurgence of interest in time perspectives in general (e.g., Andre, Vianen, Peetsma and Oort; 2018) and CFC more specifically (e.g., Joireman & King, 2016), to my knowledge, CFC has not been linked directly to ethical behavior, the type of which is reflected in one's PET.  The results support a positive link between CFC and PET.  Individuals with higher CFC have a higher ethical threshold.  In other words, they are less susceptible to situational pressures to choose an unethical path, particularly when it involves a tradeoff in personal losses as a result.  Implications and limitations are discussed, and suggestions for future research are presented.

Author Biography

Tina Lynn Robbins, Clemson University, Clemson SC, USA

Department of Management, College of Business, Clemson University, Clemson SC

How to Cite
ROBBINS, Tina Lynn. Examining the link between one’s Consideration of Future Consequences and Potential Ethical Threshold. Archives of Psychology, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 5, may 2018. ISSN 2573-7902. Available at: <https://www.archivesofpsychology.org/index.php/aop/article/view/65>. Date accessed: 22 oct. 2024.
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