Author Center

Download our author guide (PDF)
All manuscripts must be submitted in Word format. Only manuscripts in English will be accepted.
All manuscripts should use the APA Style guidelines.
AOP grants authors the right to publish and reproduce the unrevised contribution in whole or in part at any time and in any form for any scholarly non-commercial purpose with the condition that all publications of the contribution include a full citation to the journal as published by AOP.
Conflict of Interest
In accordance with our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement, Authors must notify AOP of any conflicts of interest. This includes institutional, personal, financial, and other influences.
AOP indexes in Crossref and Google Scholar. AOP deposits manuscripts to PubMed Central in accordance with the Public Access Policy.
The title should be short and descriptive. Avoid using acronyms.
The names, affiliations, and email addresses of each author should appear below the title.
All submission categories except letters require an abstract. Abstracts should be as short as possible while providing an accurate summary of the manuscript. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
Keywords may also be listed below the abstract on the title page.
Main Text
Sections and subsections should be labeled 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, etc. Sections should also have a short title.
An acknowledgements section may be placed immediately before the reference section of the manuscript. Use this section to acknowledge individuals or institutions that may have helped with the research or manuscript.
In addition to citations in the main text, a complete list of references should be included as the final section of a manuscript. All references cited in the manuscript should appear in this list in alphabetical order. Journal abbreviations may be used when appropriate.
AOP charges the following Article Publication Fees for accepted papers:
Authors with no institutional, grant, or research funding | $1299 |
Authors with institutional, grant, or research funding | $2899 |
There is no additional charge for figures or tables in the text.
Fees reductions may be available. Kindly follow the link below, to opt for a fee reduction:
Figures and tables should be included in the body of the manuscript, not in an appendix. Figures will be available online with the rest of the paper.
Figures must be numbered and should be referred to in the text by their number, e.g., “Figure 2.”
1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
2. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
3. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
4. Where available, URLs or DOIs for the references have been provided.
5. Public clinical trial registries such as have been utilized to register all clinical trials that are the subject of the submission.
6. If an original research paper, the manuscript lists all funding sources of the research.
7. The ICMJE authorship guidelines have been followed in determining who is listed as an author of the submission. More information is available at
8. The submission file is in Word format.
For Readers:
How can I access the full text of articles published in the journal?
All articles published by AoP have free full-text available on the journal’s website, located under the “Current Issue” and “Archives” tabs.
Can I purchase a print subscription or a single printed issue?
Yes, hardcopies of issues may be purchased for $100 each or $1100 for twelve monthly issues. Free shipping is available for most locations. Past issues may also be purchased subject to availability.
What should I do if I cannot login to my account?
If you have forgotten your password, you may use the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page to have it reset. If you have forgotten your username or need assistance please email [email protected]
For Authors:
How long does peer-review and publication take?
The Archives of Psychology guarantees that peer-review will take a maximum of one month from the date of submission. After acceptance, manuscripts are copyedited and published within 2 weeks.
Where is AoP indexed?
The Archives of Psychology indexes papers with Google Scholar and CrossRef. Many papers can also be indexed with PubMed upon request. Please visit for more information.
What is the impact factor of AoP?
Because AoP is a newer journal the official impact factor has not yet been calculated. It should be available in 2018.
Is there a fee to publish?
Yes, please refer to the Author Guidelines for more details. Fee waivers and discounts are available on a case by case basis.
For Reviewers:
How can I volunteer to review manuscripts?
If you wish to serve as a peer-reviewer, please email our editorial staff at [email protected] with your subjects of expertise.
What are the instructions for reviewing a manuscript?
Please refer to our Reviewer Instructions.
Submit a manuscript
Manuscripts may be submitted at any time using our online submission form available at
Submissions will not be accepted via email. Hard-copy submissions are not accepted.
The following instructions can be used to submit a manuscript online at
1. From the Register button, open the Registration form.
2. Make sure to tick the “Author: able to submit items to the journal” box at the bottom of the form.
3. Go to the User Home tab and click on the “New Submission” link, on the right hand side. Steps for submission will appear.
4. Fill in the Checklist and the Copyright Notice section.
5. Click on the blue "Save and Continue" button.
6. Upload the submission file, following the instructions.
7. Add title and abstract, provide keywords, language and references.
8. Click on "Save and continue" again.
9. Upload any additional files you may have.
10. Confirm the submission.