Prof. Dr. phil. Sebastian Bamberg

Prof. Dr. phil. Sebastian Bamberg1. Current position
Professor of social psychology and quantitative research methods, Department of Social Sciences, University of Applied Science Bielefeld

2. Reseach interests

  • Attitude-behavior Models
  • Behavioral change theories
  • Theory-driven intervention development
  • Evaluation methods
  • Structural equation modeling

3. Scientific Training

1999      Habilitation, University of Gießen, Germany
1991      Dr. phil. in Psychologie, University of Gießen
1988      Diplom in Psychologie, University of Gießen

4. Current research projects

06/2015 –05/2018 The promotion of climate change adaption behaviors – Flood protecting behaviors 500.000 €
11/2013-10/2018 Social mobilization strategies within the policy domain of climate protection 460.000 €
07/2015-07/2018 Evaluation of the risk-reducing P.A.R.T.Y. intervention 150.000 €

5. The five most cited papers

Bamberg, S.., & Möser, G. (2007). Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behavior. Journal of environmental psychology 27 (1), 14-25.

Bamberg, S., Ajzen, I, Schmid, P. (2003). Choice of travel mode in the theory of planned behavior: The roles of past behavior, habit, and reasoned action. Basic and applied social psychology 25 (3), 175-187.

Bamberg, S., & Schmidt, P. (2003). Incentives, morality, or habit? Predicting students’ car use for university routes with the models of Ajzen, Schwartz, and Triandis. Environment and behavior 35 (2), 264-285.

Bamberg, S. (2003). How does environmental concern influence specific environmentally related behaviors? A new answer to an old question, Journal of environmental psychology 23 (1), 21-32.

Bamberg,S., Hunecke, M., Blöbaum, A. (2007). Social context, personal norms and the use of public transportation: Two field studies. Journal of Environmental Psychology 27 (3), 190-203. (276 citations)

Bamberg, S.,Rölle, D., Weber, C. (2003). Does habitual car use not lead to more resistance to change of travel mode? Transportation 30 (1), 97-108.

The complete publication: